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Writer's pictureKrista L. Allison

And From That Time On And... FOREVERMORE In Every Detail

Heavenly Father strengthen us as we pour out so that You can pour in and lead us as we pour forth in Your name. Amen

June 28, 2021

Morning Blessings, Princesses!

Thank you for the journey this season. We have successfully completed the book of Ezekiel. Praise God! This week will be the last GO! Report for this session. We will pick back in late August to announce our Fall 2021 study. Until then, please review any of the past GO! Report conversations and send a positive thought or prayer to any that you read to

For this week, just a quick testimony about God's goodness.

A Testimony About God's Goodness

Here's a new flash ~

God cares about all of the details of our lives.

Big or small, God sees, knows, and cares about every single detail. We recently celebrated our youngest daughter's graduation, and as the day grew closer for the outdoor celebration, I was determined not to look at the weather report. I prayed that God would give us good weather and that we would be able to celebrate under His beautiful blanket of stars. On the day of the event, the morning forecast showed sun and clouds with a good temperature. Later in the day, the weather changed, and rain was on the horizon. Not just a little bit of rain, but rain and a lot of it! From 80% to 60% chance of rain at the beginning and towards the end of the celebration, the forecast of rain seemed inevitable. Needless to say, my heart dropped, sadness was looming, and all I could do was pray to stay calm. There was no plan B, and despite my anxiousness, prayer was the only thing that calmed my emotions. Up until the celebration, friends and family sent messages that they were praying for good weather as well. A prayer chain was in place. There was nothing that anyone could do. Truly it was in God's hands.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. About an hour out, time seemed to be moving fast, and the storm clouds and wind were getting stronger. I could see the balloons struggling to stay at the table, and the plastic covering bought by my husband was on standby to preserve the table of high school memories. Pause. Want to know how the story ends?

Only a small drizzle for less than five minutes at the beginning of the celebration.

No rain.

No torrential rain.

No 80% chance of rain.

No 60% chance of rain.

No real rain at the beginning.

No rain towards the end.

While there were reports of rain and downpour in all the cities surrounding our celebration, God blew the rain completely away. While the forecast and weather apps all predicted a dreary evening, our Sovereign Lord had not yet approved the final weather report. During the celebration, I heard from family and friends about the surrounding rain reports in other areas. One friend described the experience as follows "it was like God had a dome around the celebration ~ He heard our prayers!" As I reflect even now, all I can do is sigh, smile, look up and say, "Thank You, Lord."

I shared this testimony the following day, and as I was giving thanks, God revealed to me in a small and touching way His goodness. I could hear His words of comfort and love so clearly: "Krista, I care about ALL the details in your life. The big, small, happy moments, worry moments, valleys, and mountains. Never doubt, I am with you on this life journey, little one, walking with you and carrying you every step of the way. I promise, forever".

Dear Princesses, this gentle moment has been on replay for me, and even now, as I share this testimony with you, I pray that this God encounter will cause you to stop, pause, and reflect on the following statement:

_______(insert name) always remember God cares about all the details in my life.

Powerful huh?

Can you say the following aloud?

God cares about ALL the details.

For the children of Israel in exile during the time of Ezekiel, God was still present. While their timing was not His timing, we learned by the end of Ezekiel that God's timing was perfect. Similar to my testimony above. God's time was perfectly on time. For you, His perfect timing holds true as well.

Take a look at a few scriptures that reinforce God's perfection of time.

In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. (Ezekiel 1:1)
22 Yet there will be some survivors—sons and daughters who will be brought out of it. They will come to you, and when you see their conduct and their actions, you will be consoled regarding the disaster I have brought on Jerusalem—every disaster I have brought on it. 23 You will be consoled when you see their conduct and their actions, for you will know that I have done nothing in it without cause, declares the Sovereign Lord.” (Ezekiel 14:22-23)

35...“And the name of the city from that time on will be:
The Lord Is There.” (Ezekiel 48:35)

Thank you, Lord...

Psalm 139:13-14



Yes, Lord.

Look for our 2021-22 New Study Announcement


Oh, princesses of faith...remember. 

Prayerempowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy.  Without prayer…  your armor cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s - Spirit can give."

Closing Thoughts


Know that through the Holy Spirit, you can:

  • do things you couldn't;

  • feel things you didn't; and

  • know things you wouldn't.


GO! 6/28/21- New feature, contains a playlist of songs for your praise and worship time.


Please have a wonderful summer, and look for our new session study in August 2021!

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to... Lead, Serve, and GO!


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