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Good Morning Princesses,

September is here and tomorrow we will launch our Fall 2016 GO! Session entitled Entrusted, A Study on 2Timothy.  If you have not had an opportunity to purchase your study guide, you can still do so (See the Details below)!

As we prepare for our Fall session, please pray for guidance, obedience and a willing spirit.  My prayer is that God will give us just what we need, that He will reveal to us the things that He needs for us to know and that we will stay lock-step with His Spirit.

In preparation for our Tuesday, I came across the following excerpt from In Touch Ministries, Daily Devotion by Charles Stanley.  The passage below made me pause and reflect on our upcoming series.  Taka a look...

Foundations for the Christian Life

I learned a valuable lesson the night before I preached my first sermon. My mother shared a verse that God laid on her heart for me: Joshua 1:9. I memorized that scripture about courage just as fast as I could, because I was scared! Later, I read the whole passage and realized that strength and courage are tied to concentrating on God’s Word. For this reason, a personal time of meditation with God should be a priority in our life.

When we are in daily communion with our Lord, we can more easily accept that He is in absolute control of everything facing us. Whether we are pummeled by adversity or overwhelmed with joy, God has our circumstances well in hand. Spending regular time with the Father allows us to bring Him all of our concerns and feelings. Then He can rejoice with us or cradle us according to our need.

Praying through Scripture and asking God to speak to our heart about what we read is our privilege as Christians. When we’re quiet before the Lord, we have the opportunity to receive His guidance and power for navigating our circumstances. Consequently, God restores our weary soul and renews us for another day.

I personally believe that every morning when we roll out of bed, we should spend a little time on our knees. We ought to entrust each day to our heavenly Father, going over our schedule and committing the time to Him. The morning is like the rudder of our day—how we begin steers our course throughout. Are you ready to let God be your captain?

Entrusted: A Study of 2 Timothy- : A Study of 2 Timothy

" You are not only called to bear fruit. You are called to bear much fruit"--Beth Moore, Entrusted

Register=> Entrusted

 • Purchasing the guide?  Order from or LifeWay Christian Stores (Canton, Ohio) the individual bible study book guide, for $12.99. Copies have been placed on hold at LifeWay Christian Stores (Canton location), just mention GO!

Preview #4- 5 Ways To Enjoy Entrusted?

Interested in participating in the Fall 2016 session and want to know more about the study?  Take a look at a short clip from Beth Moore. We will discuss this more on Tuesday, September 6th- 5 Ways To Enjoy Entrusted =>here 

Have a blessed week!

Closing Thought-  


Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

•    do things you couldn't;

•    feel things you didn't; and

•    know things you wouldn't.

For your praise and worship:

Oceans - Hillsong UNITED 

Rise Within Us- Israel & New Breed


Don't forget to register for our Fall 2016 session. We start September 6th!

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...

Lead, Serve and GO!


Each day we have an opportunity to be the light and salt God has called us to be to others.    Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

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